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  • Medical Flex Spending

    Consolidated Administrative Services

    Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) allow you to have pre-tax money deducted from your paycheck to reimburse yourself for certain expenses. Since contributions are made through payroll deductions with pre-tax dollars, you decrease your taxable income and thereby increase your take-home pay.

    The annual dollar limit on employee contributions to employer-sponsored healthcare flexible spending arrangements (FSA) is $2,750 for 2021 & 2022. For the 2023 plan year the maximum election amount will increase to $2,850.

    With the passage of the CARES Act (COVID-3 Stimulus Bill), effective 1/1/2020, the IRS will allow Over-the-Counter (OTC) medicines or drugs to be purchased with Health Care FSA or HSA funds without a prescription. Using your flexible spending account just got a lot more flexible. Newly eligible items include antacids, pain relievers, cold & flu medication, menstruation products, digestive aids, antibiotics, and antiseptics. See an updated list of allowable expenses.

    IRS Notice 2020-29 Change Form


    For the year ending in 2022, five hundred-fifty dollars ($550.00)can be rolled over to the next plan year. For the year ending in 2023, that rollover amount will increase to $570. The rollover will not change the Run-Out Period.  

    Summary Plan Document

    Summary Plan Description– 2023 including HSA

    Cafeteria Plan Document– 2023 Including HSA

    Plan Highlights– 2023 Including HSA


    We are here to assist with any of your benefits questions. Email us at enrollment@houze.org, call us toll-free at 1-800-523-7135.

    Benefits Contact

    Myra Ingle
    HR Accounting Assistant
    (706) 602-6612

    Summary of Benefits

    Click below to download and review a Summary of Benefits document (.pdf).

    Houze & Associates